Use micro-influencers to seed contest virality

Kieran Goodacre Mon Jul 17 2017

Idea: Use micro-influencers to spread the word about your contest. This will seed virality leading to more referrals and sign-ups.

Details: FlixWatcher is a podcast for reviewing Netflix. They had zero audiences at inception and wanted to grow an email list by running a pre-launch viral contest. Using micro-influencers they quickly grew to 4,700 sign ups. 

  1. Create the killer contest page (see attachment)
  2. Create a prize which is appealing & relevant to your micro-influencers (YOU want them to want to win it)
  3. Use a tool like Audiense to find micro-influencers by keyword searching twitter bio's (+1,000).
  4. For a few weeks before the contest launches, engage with these influencers manually. Like their Twitter posts, comment on them, and follow them. Over the course of a couple of weeks, many of these influencers should begin to follow you back.
  5. When the contest date approaches, direct message your followers about the competition and prize. Due to the genuine engagement previously, you will find the engagement is high and they will tweet about the contest to their followers, driving more engagement to it.
Get all the details (plus one bonus step) in the link below.

Source: MaƮtre Case Study
Engaged micro-influencers will spread the word about your contest and seeding virality, increasing referrals and sign ups to your contest.
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  • #referral
  • #referrals
  • #referralprogram
  • #Viral
  • #viralcontest