Test including testimonials in Facebook ads

Dani Hart Wed Nov 09 2016

Idea: Since word-of-mouth and testimonials drive purchasing decisions, use this to your advantage in your Facebook ads.

Details: According to McKinsey, testimonials and word-of-mouth are driving about 20-50% of all purchasing decisions. An article in Econsultancy pointed out that when a website has customer reviews, 63% of visitors are more likely to buy something. We can jump to a quick conclusion that client testimonials bring about a substantial increase in sales.

Attached is an A/B test from ConversionXL blog, proving the magic of testimonials. WikiJob conducted a split test where they added only three testimonials to a test page to compete against their original version. The testimonials said:

  • “Good training for the work environment in Europe.”
  • “Very useful for practice!”
  • “Almost a carbon copy for the real aptitude test.”

Here are the results: Version B, the page with testimonial still surprisingly increased WikiJob’s conversions by an impressive 34%.

Source: Klientboost.com

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  • #Facebook
  • #ads
  • #testimonials
  • #conversions